Chad Humphrey

usmc memorial of golden colorado board member

Chad Humphrey


Chad Humphrey enlisted in the USMCR in 1993, in his first year at Occidental College. SNM checked into HQ 5th Battalion, 14 Marines, 4th Marine Division. During his tour at 5/14 (~15 years), this hard-charging artilleryman would advance from 0844 (fire direction control man) to 0803 (Artillery Survey officer). In 2005, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, 5/14 was provisioned as a Military Police Battalion. SNM served as the S-3A and later as the S4-A for the deployment. Upon return, SNM joined G-7, FRAAP (Force Readiness Assistance and Assessment Program). The FRAAP was charged with inspecting reserve units and making assessments for the commanding general of Marine Forces Reserve. In August of 2013, CWO 2 Humphrey was honorably retired.

For the past 10 years Chad has worked in the software development field, with a focus on startups. Chad has a BA from Occidental College and MBA emphasis in Finance from Pepperdine University.

Chad lives with his wife of sixteen years, 8 year old son and two dogs in Denver.